CEEUS Expanding Into Virginia/Maryland/Delaware

April 13, 2023
To our Valued Customers and Suppliers,
We are excited to announce that CEEUS and Line Equipment Sales are expanding into the Virginia / Maryland / Delaware area to serve the electric utilities and contractors in those states much like we do in South Carolina. We plan to open a new physical location, including warehouse, outdoor storage, and office space in order to service this market.
We will use our same CEEUS / LE service-oriented business model that we have in South Carolina, but with separate local inventory, operations, and staff. In fact, we have already hired our first local employee who lives in Virginia.
We understand that there will be many other questions to answer in the future about this expansion, and we appreciate your desire to know more. While we are working on those details, please know that we will share once the timing is right. Other details you may hear should be considered rumors until you hear from us.
We appreciate your partnerships with us over the years, and we look forward to continuing those in the future! We believe our future is bright because of you, and we will work to continue earning your trust as we expand our operations.
E. Chad Capps
President & CEO